The Faculty at Washington University are world renowned in their areas of expertise. They've done extensive publishing, and the students who come here are able to really be a part of that, be able to customize their curriculum, to be able to dive into a subject and become experts in subject matter that will help them advance in their career.
WashU Law offered us LF program, and it's such a four weeks program that you can kind of practice your speaking, reading, and listening skills, and mostly it's about legal English. We have moot court competitions within that program, and you're going to hand in your draft, your memo in writing, and you're going to compete in oral, and there will be real judges judging you.
Washington University is an amazing university, and not only campus-wise. The campus has been awarded the most beautiful college campus in the United States.
LLM students at WashU have the opportunity to choose what they want to study. I, for instance, took the Negotiation and Dispute Resolution LLM. And it basically gives you the opportunity to study what you want to study or to expand your expertise in the exact field you want to practice afterwards, especially if you want to work in the United States.